Monday, May 11, 2009


Faith -noun.
confidence or trust in a person or thing
belief that is not based on proof
belief in God or in the doctrines or teachings of religion
belief in anything, as a code of ethics, standards of merit, etc.
a system of religious belief
the obligation of loyalty or fidelity to a person, promise, engagement, etc.
the observance of this obligation

For such a small word, it does carry a lot of impact. What do we really know of it...its depth? I can promise you my loyalty but are there implied caveats? I'll be long as...?

How does that impact one's ability to have faith in another person? If I know that there is a limit to your there a limit to my faith in you?

Or is there a point, where someone can move beyond another person's capabilities and place faith in even what they cannot promise? Beyond what is in their purview..beyond what they think themselves capable of?

It is in that place...where my faith in another moves beyond even what they believe of themselves that I push beyond hope. To believe they are capable of far more than they can believe of themselves. To believe, and hope the very best of them, and for them.

I find it is like an exercise of the soul. To push ourselves into that place where we have no proof. We have no promises. We have no guarantees. Yet we allow ourselves to tumble off the edge of that cliff headfirst believing that that other person will live up to what we believe of them.

Of course, there have been times when those I have had faith in have failed me...or rather, themselves...and I have done it to them. It happens. Some walk away with the thought that they have learned to not be so trusting. I wonder why? Haven't we just learned that they need more of our faith? Not to be deluded by what is not true...we need that raw reality...and not that we don't see things for what they are, of course, we should always be aware, and not taken advantage of. But faith is not about that. I can truly believe that someone is capable of better, and still protect myself. Yes, once burned, twice shy, but that person still cannot take away from me my belief.

It may come across as a Polly Anna takes on the world attitude, but in truth, it sees without judging, it hears with a tolerant ear. Faith listens to the heart.

Faith listens with the heart.

Faith Cherishing Love

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