Thursday, July 2, 2009

Yakkity Yak

It is the age of the internet. We are connected. So connected that there is never, it seems anytime, anyplace, anywhere where one cannot be found. We can know someone’s most profound thoughts and we can know someone’s grocery lists. Information. It is all about information. In a world that seems to despise the idea of Big Brother we document if we have gas pains. As the internet first became available for us, it was a large, extended encyclopedia….a way to connect to universities, work, and to world news.

Today we can communicate through email, posts, blogs, facebook, twitter, e-zines, skype, instant messengers, technorati, Flickr, YouTube…and the list expands every week or so to include some new emerging communication form. And our cell phones….sigh…our cell phones.

I remember when I could not get a hold of a person. Now, unless they are climbing in the Andes mountains it is almost physically impossible NOT to get a hold of somebody. And from what I hear they will be installing a wireless hotspot on a few of the more populated faces of the Andes. So watch out kiddies..bring those cell phones on your next excursion…chances are you they will be able to hear you now.

You know…geek that I am, I think back to the old Star Trek episodes when they had those races on the show that could read each other’s thoughts. And I think to myself, “Good god, being this connected right now drives me around a flipping bend, what would I do if I could literally hear every person’s thoughts? What would I do if there was no person on the planet that I could not ‘reach out and touch’ any time I wanted to?” No question, the suicide rate would increase one thousand fold.

Now I am not a privacy freak, don’t get me wrong. I am pretty much a cards-on-the-table kind of girl. What you see is what you get. But…I mean seriously people, don’t you ever just want to not be a blip on someone’s screen? Me? I would prefer the anonymity over every single person knowing by just a glance at some profile written somewhere that I prefer tea over coffee, like dark chocolate over milk, would quite possibly consider throwing myself at the feet of Johnny Depp, is Eastern Orthodox, 45 years old, 5’7”, have blues eyes, brown hair with some gray and red unless I color it, and weighs….

No. just no.

There is a point where I have to draw the line.

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