Sunday, September 12, 2010


If asked, "you can only have one food type for the rest of your life, what would you want it to be?" My answer, without question would be cookies.

I love cookies. Let me rephrase. I. Love. Cookies.
A good cookie to me has just the right amount of "dough" ratio to "stuff".

I choose cookies because they have that place that is not just for toddlers, but for adults, and the elderly. A cookie is always acceptable. A cookie is warmth, home, love and can be held in your hand.
And there are a gazillion flavors...I should never get bored.

However, there is an art to a good cookie. An overly packed cookie becomes too granola-candy bar like. And too little and it may as well be a cracker. is a careful balance to reach that point where you have just the right chip/nut/special ingredient ratio to the dough. It is the nirvana of is that zen of mommieness.

This is important stuff. A good cookie also hangs on just the perfect texture. You must have a perfectly browned edge...that cookie should be crispy on the edges with the slightest crunch and still chewy in the middle. NOT RAW. Let me make that perfectly clear. Not Raw. I have known people who have pulled out cookies before they were close to even being brown, pronouncing them done because they wanted something still slightly akin to cookie dough.

Look, if you want cookie dough, by all means, eat the cookie dough. But if you are going to bake the cookie...bake the damn cookie.

So, here you have the perfect food in my have crunchy, chewy, you have soft spots and then chunky spots. You can eat it in its raw state or cooked stated. And think of can have anything from a shortbread to a whoopie pie...there are so many different kinds of cookies that you could be busy from now until the end of time eating cookies and still not try them all. Oh it is a good, good thing to know that you could always be the person allowed to eat the last cookie. That you could dunk in coffee, hot chocolate, milk....or a pinch hot tea. It is all so good and comforting.

It is the tao of cookie monster. Peace out dudes.

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